You’re invited to become a ‘link’ in a culture we are actively cultivating…
What is it?
An evening where people give 20 minutes lectures about something that isn’t their job, practice, area of focus or core field of expertise, followed by a pizza party.
What have past lecturers talked about?
Check out past lecturers and their topics here.
Why do it?
To become a ‘link’ in a culture we are actively cultivating - one that is interested in who people are beyond their job…also to have fun and connect and eat pizza :)
Where is it?
Dreamers Welcome NYC (unless otherwise noted)
What is the commitment?
Preparing and presenting a 20 minute lecture on a topic you are interested in (that is not your job, practice, area of focus or core field of expertise), using whatever A/V you are comfortable with (we have a sound system, computer, and projector).
Inviting 15 of your friends/neighbors/colleagues to join us as your audience (we provide an invitation - you send it to your people).
Filling out a brief questionnaire prior to the night of the lecture.
Attending the evening of the lecture. While the start time for the lecture may vary depending on the host space, the typical evening takes 3 hours. This includes two to three lectures and pizza.
An example standard timeframe for a lecturer is as follows:
Lecturers Arrive 5:30
Guests Arrive: 5:45 - 6:14
Lectures: 6:15 - 7:15
Pizza: 7:15
More questions? click here.
Wait, what is the Link-Link Club Lecture Series? Link-Link Club Lecture Series (LLCLS) is a community-building lecture series hosted nine times a year by Link-Link Club . People become lecturers on a topic outside of their main area of focus/work/study/practice. Each lecturer invites 10-15 of their own audience members. Each lecturer’s chosen topic is presented in a 20-minute format followed by pizza.
What should I talk about? Anything that is not your main area of focus, your work, your study, or your practice. The lecture topics have run the gamut - View a list of past lecture topics.
After hearing over 100 lectures, it is true that every single way a lecturer approaches this invitation and prompt has been great and worth listening to. Some people talk more personally, others about an outside interest that they take this time to now “research”, etc. It turns out no matter how you shake it, 20 min of hearing what someone wants to talk about is a worthwhile way to spend time.
How and why do I invite people? Part of accepting the role of Lecturer includes committing to invite 15 of your friends/neighbors/colleagues to hear you lecture. Link-Link Club will provide you with an RSVP link that you can simply forward along to your guests. This RSVP link will include necessary details - what/when/where/who/why. There link is also textable so as to make inviting your audience via text easy and quick.
*Lecturer's invitations play an important role in cultivating the culture of people we know hearing about us beyond our main areas of focus and form a new community for mingling over pizza. The combination of lecturers’ guests creates a new never-before audience while also provides support for each lecturer.*
Is there an honorarium? There is no honorarium for Link-Link Club lecturers. The event is free for your friends to hear you talk about something you are thinking about outside of your area of expertise/job/practice. If that’s not you right now / you need to prioritize paid gigs, we totally understand and let us know if your availability to participate changes! In LLC’s history since 2015, we have received one grant, and the funding went to projectors, audio recording equipment, improved sound system, website, travel expenses to facilitate lectures in other cities, working with audio recordings of lectures for the end-of-year party, and…on that note, end-of-year party itself (which is free for you and your friends to attend!).
Is this event open to the public? No, unless otherwise stated. Each lecturer invites their guests, the host space invites guests, and former lecturers are invited, and the capacity of the space is taken into account.
Is this event recorded or broadcast online? While lecture audio is recorded for posterity, full lectures are not posted or broadcast online. If this ever were to change, you would be asked permission.
Do lecturers usually see a lecture in advance? New lecturers do not come see a LLCLS prior to lecturing themselves. Our format of limiting guests to former lecturers and guests of the lecturer of that particular night keeps the setting more casual, ensuring each lecturer and their guests have a nice time.
How formal should I be? The level of formality is up to you - talking only works great and/or AV equipment is also available if you would like to incorporate video, a slide show, music, etc. We have seen all types of lecture styles - lecturers talking with no visuals, lecturers using just one aid i.e. sound or pics, etc….ALL lectures have been engaging no matter how casual or souped up.
How much time should I spend preparing my lecture? Again, this is up to you. Some people automatically know what they want to share about and apparently already have notes on the matter (?!?!?). Some people have no idea what they will talk about and ruminate on this during their handful of moments between day-to-day demands i.e. during their commute. On Link-Link Club’s side we do not ask that anyone slave over lecture prep…this process and project is built upon the premise that we know people are busy and may even be flying by the seat of their pants ..but we still want to know what you’re thinking about in lecture form!
How do I keep time during my lecture? When your lecture begins, we set a visual timer in the back of the room. Sometimes don’t precisely hit the time marker but having the visual timer helps lecturers keep time.
What’s up with the Lecturer Questionnaire? Upon accepting the invitation to be a lecturer, all lecturers fill out a questionnaire as an exercise of thinking thoughts outside of their main area of focus/work/study. The questions are a collaboration by past lecturers. The end of the questionnaire reads: **Add a question to the questionnaire** - meaning that the lecturer after you will get a chance to answer the question you add. These questionnaires are not shared online.
I still have questions. How do I get in touch? Please dm us @linklinkclub (preferred) or email us at